Wednesday, February 25, 2009

One more thing...

Also, Gabe is talking up a storm now! He is saying hi, bye, Yaya (Arwen), mama, dadee, more (signs it too), eat eat, hot, cheese (just said that the first time tonight - I had the camera and I told him to say "cheese" and he DID!), bubbles, bath, night night, papa, nana, hemaw, car, juice, ball. I think those are the majority of them, but I really feel I am leaving something else out.

His back two teeth are also coming in on top. He has two knots on the bottom so hopefully they will come in soon.

That is about it. I have a video of him saying cheese that I will try and post tomorrow.

Rest in Peace...

I had to throw away Arwen's last pink and purple "bink." Perry told me he smelled something "foul" and we could not figure out what in the world it was. When I went to put her in her bed and kiss her goodnight....OH.MY.GOODNESS. The smell, or funk I should say, was HORRIBLE.

Please bow your head for a moment of silence.

Cue Taps...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I woke up late yesterday morning after a horrible night with Gabe and Arwen. In fact, Arwen never went back to sleep after about 3:00am. When my alarm went off I told her, "Do not get out of bed." When I got out of the shower, I looked in the bed and of course she was not there. I heard laughing, so I knew she was in Gabe's room. What I didn't know is that she was smearing herself and the poor kid in VASOLINE. When I made my way in there, this is what I found...

What makes Gabe's picture priceless is the green boogie hanging ever so slightly out of his nose. heh.

I am still trying to wash it out - the vasoline, not the boogie.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


My children LOVE LOVE LOVE the movie Superstar (and yes, I know it is not highly appropriate for children but there are AWESOME dance scenes.) Below is a clip of my children BREAKING IT DOWN to one of the dance scenes. If you look closely at the tv, you will see the people dancing. If you look at Arwen, she is attempting to do the same movements. I laughed until I practically PEED on myself. Be sure to watch Gabe too - he danced until he fell!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Carolina and DOOK

Did I mention how much I LOVE Carolina and DOOK games...or how much I HATE them with every fiber of my being????

Oh, what a mixture of emotions...

(cue Tar Heel fight song here)