Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Three more toothies...

Gabe has been busy...getting teeth, that is! He has gone 10 1/2 months of his life with no teeth in his head, then all of the sudden he has his two top teeth, one cutting through on the bottom (you can almost see it) and the top left side tooth also about to make an appearance! Poor kid is so uncomfortable at times - he has gotten to where he practically chews on his passy instead of sucks it.

In other news, he stood up all by himself today (without holding onto anything) for about 14 seconds - he even took two steps - maybe he will be walking soon.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ten Months Old and a TOOTHIE!

Gabe FINALLY has a toothie coming in! It is on his left top side. He has been one ill little monkey for the past week (of course, he went to the Dr. yesterday and also has a DOUBLE ear infection).

I must credit Uncle Junior for the find...if it were up to me, I guess he would have had to bite me for me to notice ;).

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday To ME

Happy Birthday to ME
Happy Birthday to ME

Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEEEE
Happy Birthday to ME.

Actually, it is tomorrow, but I just wanted to get the word out. I will be 29 - woowoo. Amazing, my body is getting older, but I still feel like a child. I still have nightmares, I still worry about whether or not people like me, I still talk to my mama everyday and seek her approval above anyone elses, I don't know WHAT in the WORLD I am doing with children, because I am still a child myself, but they look up to me to keep them safe and I would do anything to keep them from harm.

A bit cheesy, I know :).