Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday To ME

Happy Birthday to ME
Happy Birthday to ME

Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEEEE
Happy Birthday to ME.

Actually, it is tomorrow, but I just wanted to get the word out. I will be 29 - woowoo. Amazing, my body is getting older, but I still feel like a child. I still have nightmares, I still worry about whether or not people like me, I still talk to my mama everyday and seek her approval above anyone elses, I don't know WHAT in the WORLD I am doing with children, because I am still a child myself, but they look up to me to keep them safe and I would do anything to keep them from harm.

A bit cheesy, I know :).


Sara and Randy said...

Happy birthday, ho! One more year til you're 30- or are you planning to be 29 from here on out? =)

Kelly said...

Happy b-day, Gina!

And I understand exactly where you're coming from about still being a kid yourself. I'm still amazed that I have a kid... sometimes it's like "What in the world...?" :)