Thursday, October 16, 2008


Arwen loves her binks. In fact, she has at least three with her each night when she goes to sleep. Each bink serves a different purpose and cannot be confused with another bink because all look different. Below is a picture of the three binks...

The one on the left (yellow) is the "smeller" bink. She puts it under her nose and, well, smells it. The one in the middle (purple and pink) is the "sucker" bink. She sucks it...duh. The one on the right (brownish one) is the "rubber" bink. She holds it in her other hand and rubs it with her thumb. She will quickly tell you she does not suck her smeller, she does not rub her sucker and she does not smell her rubber bink. And GOD forbid if we lose one...

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Good night, that's a complicated system y'all got going there! :)