Sunday, October 5, 2008

eleven months

Gabe is eleven months now and SO much has happened since last month. He now has 3 teeth! No wonder he has been so ill lately - he got his top left tooth first, a week later his top right tooth and then last week his bottom left tooth with the bottom right on the way! Here are his top two teeth (of course in this picture you will need a magnifying glass to see them...)

He is also trying to walk - he can stand by himself without holding onto anything and will take steps if he thinks you are holding onto him - he does great until he realizes he is on his own! Yesterday at grandma's he took 3 steps before falling on his hiney...maybe he will be walking soon! Here he is trying to walk!

And as usual, Arwen is doing great - she thinks she is still the baby (and face it, she will ALWAYS be my baby!)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

You've been tagged! Instructions on my blog.